
You’ve got a cold? Write a will.

Do you think people who don’t agree with animal testing should be allowed to take paracetamol?I have asked so many people this question in the last month and no-one has given me a straight answer. I asked some meat-eaters and they all grunted, shrugged and... read more

Lily was a procrastinator.

In my entirely unscientific (and 1am) opinion, human nature dictates that we throw a million seeds on a field and then sit back while watching the seeds grow (and generally die because we forgot they needed water, oops). I have been fortunate enough in my life to meet... read more

David Cameron Looks A Bit Like Ham

I know I said I’d write this post about the comment from that crazay guy, “If you support Christianity you support anti-gay, anti-choice and anti-science beliefs”, but I’m not going to. I’m not sure who I’m trying to reassure as I... read more

Really, we wear pink any day.

I was so sure I was going to write a post the day after the last one, just to prove all you #doubterz and #haterz wrong, but instead I find myself writing this while my mum is screaming at me to come downstairs, and the only thing I’ve packed for this weekend... read more

On Wednesdays, we wear pink.

Sooo sorry I haven’t posted in like 12 days (I know it’s hard on you guys), but I have been crazy busy starting college and getting lost in bristol repeatedly and getting lost in college and basically just being very, very lost (figuratively and like,... read more

Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye My Friend

Every so often I go through my twitter and make sure my tweets give the impression of a cool gal with some cute quirks, rather than a social-life-less teenage girl with a slightly addictive personality. Yeah, it’s hard. So I was scrolling down my twitter profile... read more

hey! i'm an 20 year old medical student living it up in london! i spend my spare time playing dixie chicks on guitar (badly), attempting to do yoga and turning it up at my church.

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